Survival is key in Fortnite, and it all starts by picking the best starting location. Mainly, you'll just use this as a corpse creator for other skills. Reap: This one is basic, but you need your normal scythe swipe to fall back on. This does take a good bit of mechanical skill, but once you've gotten the hang of it, you'll basically be unstoppable. By focusing on maximizing crit chances, you'll be able to crush even the tankiest of foes in just a few hits. If you want to hit as hard as possible, then this Bone Spirit build will certainly do the trick. How and why you summon those minions is where the diversity comes in, so let's take a look at some build options. Of course, the thing that really makes this class stand out is the ability to summon up minions to fight on your behalf, keeping you from being overwhelmed by enemies. Not only can it serve as a high-damage, single-target class, but it also has some strong area of effect options. The Necromancer is a very interesting class in Diablo 4. Becoming a master of the dead isn't so simple, so we've come up with two of the best Necromancer builds to test out in Diablo 4. Sure, Necromancers have typically been seen as the villains, but you're free to flip the script and show the world they can be heroes too. Thankfully, the Necromancer is here to turn those former foes into brand-new friends. Why should all those corpses you create in Diablo 4 go to waste? You'll be ripping through swaths of demons, monsters, and other evils all across Sanctuary during your adventure, and if you're not playing in a group, you might feel a little lonely.

If you’re successful, your creation will appear on the leaderboard ranking, which may give you a bit of inspiration to try and create something even more stellar next time.

The ultimate goal is to make this complicated factory before your circuits fall apart. From there, you can begin to combine several circuits to create a complex factory web. In the game, players are asked to build circuits that can generate specific molecular structures indefinitely.

It’s mentally stimulating, for sure, but it’s way more fun than the stressful screenshot above may suggest. There’s no prerequisite required to play SpaceChem- you don’t need a college degree to enjoy the game. SpaceChem offers truly challenging puzzles that require you to perfect your skills in programming and circuitry, but solutions never feel hidden or unfair - they just require trial and error, like any scientific enterprise. Many puzzle game challenges tend to be somewhat unfair, with leaps in logic that are designed to be nearly unsolvable.