This one's funny, imaginative, off the wall and a pint of B positive fun. Some platforms allow you to rent Bloodshot for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device. But that's what your friendly neighborhood Nate is here for, to wade through the unwatchable sludge and mine out the priceless gems for you all to see. Bloodshot is available to watch, stream, download and buy, rent on demand at Hulu, Amazon Prime, Apple TV Channels, Starz, The Roku Channel, Google Play, Apple TV, Amazon and Vudu. Despite being a direct to video flick, it contains not a trace of the trademark ineptitude and shoddiness that you're always likely to find when exploring the genre. The fact that Highlander plays the President in a film about a Vampire who hunts down terrorists named Bob should be more than enough for any self respecting film fan to drop whatever they're doing and go bask in this baby's glow. There's also a lone hero cop (Brennan Eliott channels the hotshot, reckless law enforcers of 80's movies) hunting both the terrorists and the Vampire, getting in everyone's way and capping anything that moves.

His crew are terrorists straight from a Mel Brooks film, complete with a midget amongst them.

His character is called Bob because of everyone's inability to pronounce his real arabic name which is a mile long and completely nonsensical. His casting alone is just hysterical, and should drive the social activists up the wall screaming, while the rest of us howl in with laughter. Bob is played by Brad Dourif, who is white as a sheet, but here shows up caked in brown makeup and hollering away in the most idiotic accent I've ever heard. .x264.AAC5.1- YTS.MX HD 100 681704 0 explosiveskull platinum-member about 3 years 681704 10. He is to hunt down violent Islamic rebels, led by a dude called Bob. The President uses a craggy operative named Sam (ever brilliant Lance Henriksen) to brief the Vampire in question (Michael Bailey Smith) on his missions. The resulting treatise would be Blood Shot, an absolute hoot of a flick that combines elements that wouldn't be caught dead (or undead) together in any other setting but that of the gloriously unrestricted world of the B movie. Imagine for a moment that John Carpenter, Joe Dante and Michael Bay got hammered one night and wrote the most ridiculous script for a horror action comedy this century has seen. Ever wish there was a film made about a badass, gun slinging vampire who is secretly contracted by the President of the United States (Highlander himself, Christopher Lambert) to carry out dangerous missions and thwart evil Islamic terrorists? Well your very specific and demented wish just came true.